Working together to enable, assist, and save lives
Whether this takes the form of financing essential vocational training, offering scholarships to attend industry seminars or providing work placements that help young booksellers gain real-life skills, we provide grants, advice and expertise to help individuals advance their careers within the rare book trade.
Supporting the tireless efforts of charities and non-profit organisations that work with some of the most vulnerable people and communities is also a key focus for the Foundation. From providing emergency services for victims of war or natural calamities across the world, or providing shelter, food and support to the homeless, hungry or poverty-stricken within our own communities, we recognise that charities fight an unending battle to secure resources that enable them to continue the lifesaving work they do on a day-to-day basis.
Whether its donating funds to specialist units in hospitals or encouraging and assisting carers who look after the elderly or infirm in our communities, the Foundation’s trustees identify causes where contributions can make a clear and discernible difference in helping people lead happier, healthier and more productive lives.
How we help
Advancing careers in the rare book trade
Our grants and donations go towards educational and professional advancement, vocational training, work placements and scholarships that help individuals enter or advance their careers within the rare book trade in the United Kingdom.
Poverty relief
We support charities that seek solutions to homelessness, fund food banks, and run community-led programmes that tackle food shortages, especially those operating in the neighbourhoods where we live and work.
Emergency aid and disaster relief
Our donations are directed towards charities that provide life-saving support in the most difficult situations where wars, natural or manmade disasters and catastrophes dislocate lives and communities.
“We are so thrilled to have the support of The Peter Harrington Foundation. The Coronavirus pandemic has undoubtedly been the biggest challenge in Centrepoint’s 51 year history, but thanks to the incredible support of our partners and supporters we have been able to keep our vital accommodation services open and our life-changing programmes running. Centerpoint is far more than just a place to stay, our long-term support in all areas of a young person’s life provides some of the most vulnerable 16-25 year olds in our communities to change their story for the better. We provide in-house mental and physical help support, education, training and employability programmes, and also help young people to build their confidence and key life skills. The Peter Harrington Foundation’s generous donation of £5,000 will make a huge difference to our work and the young people it benefits. To give you an idea of just how important your support is, here are just a few examples of what it could pay for: 50 young people to enrol in training courses 70 calls to be answered by our Helpline; providing young people with vital help and advice before it’s too late 100 young people to receive counselling sessions and help them to overcome the trauma they have experienced It truly is a brilliant donation and we are so grateful for your support. Thank you from everyone at Centrepoint.”
“Established in 1969, Peter Harrington is one of the world’s leading dealers in rare books. Having recently set up a charitable foundation, the Peter Harrington Foundation, they have generously chosen to support Crisis with a donation of £5,000. Support from the Peter Harrington Foundation will enable us to continue to support our members out of homelessness through our year-round services. Every year, Crisis works with over 8,000 people at our 11 Skylight centres across the UK on their journey out of homelessness. Our Skylight programme offers a range of services including educational courses, health and wellbeing support, employment and housing coaching. With the support of partners like the Peter Harrington Foundation, we can continue to be relentless in adapting our services to end homelessness for more people, bringing together communities and charities across the country to create a unified movement for change, and holding our leaders to account for the steps they take to end homelessness in Britain for good. Thank you to the incredible team at the Peter Harrington Foundation for working with us to end homelessness for good.”
“I would like to thank you for your very generous donations to Beat through the Peter Harrington catalogue. Between you all, £65,000 has been donated so far. That is amazing. Our warmest thanks to Pom Harrington for all his support of Beat. I have been in awe of the bravery shown to share his story, highlighting the importance of our work.”
Bowel Cancer UK
“We’re thrilled that Peter Harrington Rare Books donated a generous £5,000 through their foundation to support everyone affected by bowel
cancer. Established in 1969, Peter Harrington is one of the world’s leading dealers in rare books. Their charitable arm, the Peter Harrington
Foundation, supports charities close to their employees’ hearts, and aims to inspire others to make donations of their own.”